The remains of my beloved has come, Wrapped in tricolor and left me numb. My eyes welled up with tears, And heart pricked up with spears. No! I do not complain , But I do bemoan. How beautiful it was A day, When we were bond. Stealing glances and finding chances, Roaming around the lushy fences . There came a fateful day, Where you were supposed to play, A role of my hero , Or a role of country’s hero! You chose ! You chose! The choice was yours. You left! You left! My love with tears. Each day my feet felt cold, But your call made me bold. After months of holdup, You finally turned up, But not the way I wanted, The way you wanted. How can I live without you? What would I be without you? This deep feeling inside , Made me pale outside. The thought of burying me along your side, Soothed the sentiments within. The reverie of burying pricked me hardly, The little one in my wom...