The Unpaid Soldiers

With every breaking dawn, You wake up with a yawn. Start off your day In a unique way, Hurrying and getting ready, Bidding us bye. When you think of sighing, The scrubber says hai. There starts your set of tasks, The clock is ticking nine. You are ready soldier, Marching on a line. The home looks best, And you make sure there are no pests. Its half past ten, The brunch is on the couch, O! Yet again! You forgot it without any grouch. The soldiers are striding, Moving ahead with pride. Applauding alone, And finishing it by own. The aroma fills the apartment, Waiting for us to gobble. Still I crave for those, Burgers, pizza and bubble Her stern face, Makes me gulp it all, Without any fall. Here comes the dusk, Rest is all you want. Filling the place with musk, Here’s your chance to flaunt. Waiting for the one, Who held your hand?...