Emotional Abuse

' Emotional abuse is as harmful as physical abuse." I never knew that someday I would be writing on this topic. But, Allah's plans are different. I have seen many people ,specially woman going through emotional abuse. They keep quiet and suffer. They keep such an abusive relationship going. Why do they do that? The answer is They are scared! They are scared of being judged. They are scared of being alone. They are scared because their parents would not be allowed to live a normal life. They are scared because their siblings would suffer. They are scared because they wouldn't be accepted in this society. They are scared because their children will be labelled with names. But the truth is if you are quiet when being abused, you are not going to gain anything. You are just giving them the chance to step over you and by losing your self worth. While the abuser keeps enjoying his life. He doesn't lose a penny. At some point of my life, I was taunted for e...