incident to be reported on lane no. 8, green street ,garden wells ;where a five
year old girl was saved from the
clutches of some teen boys who were
behaving indecently with her by the man in white at late in the night
yesterday. The mystery behind the man in white is still unknown. On been enquiring the girl all she told was
he was a man in white robe and she didn’t have any glimpse of that person. A
special police force has been teamed up to uncover the anonymous man in white.
This is the 8th incident reported so far.
JANE – Steve did you hear the man in white saved yet another girl child.
I think he is a real hero. Hats off to him!!!
Steve – (giving cup of
coffee to Jane and staring at the television)
Yeah!! Is it
so? He is making news since a few days. I guess something is fishy.
JANE – You are always around with your negative thoughts. At least
spare this man.
Steve- Ya, I am the one who thinks negative always. Why don’t you
meet him and congratulate him for his achievement if you are so impressed by
JANE – I think that’s a good idea. OH DEAR Steve!! Thank
you for the idea.
STEVE – Don’t dare think about it. Nobody would want to date a sloth
bear like you.
JANE- (Grinning)
As if you are
who was that Bollywood hero (thinking);
Ya shahid
kapoor .
STEVE – I am much more handsome than him.
Their argument continues.
that night,
JANE- (on phone) Steve can
you hear me?? I am on the way. I’ll be late please put the food into microwave.
Steve – Oh ,ok Jane. Come up soon!! Bye
Jane – Ok see you soon.
seated in her car and stuck in the traffic. After some time the traffic gets
cleared. Jane drives off and feels dizzy and thinks to park car at a side and
take a small nap)
wakes up to cry of a girl. She moved to the spot where she heard it. On
reaching there what she saw was disgusting. Two boys were molesting the girl.
Jane ran to rescue the child. But suddenly a person wearing a white robe
appeared. Jane stood dumbstruck. He fought with the boys and rescued the child.
In a fraction of second he was seen nowhere. Jane dropped the girl to her home
and drove off.
On reaching home,
got home hurriedly gasping endlessly.)
Jane- Steve!!
Steve!!! Come here soon. I need to tell you something. Steve!!!!!
why the hell are you yelling? What’s wrong?
(gasping) Steve!!!!
(Jane falls unconscious. Steve
gets shocked and takes her to the room and immediately calls the doctor.
Steve, she is fine. You got to take good care of her. I have told you many
times. Don’t allow her to roam late in the night. It affects her health badly.
– I try my best doctor. But I can’t captive
her like this. I feel helpless.
Doctor- Ok, but I hope you will make yourself strong, that’s
Steve- Ok doctor, thank you.
Doctor- Anytime Mr. Steve.
Next morning.
(Jane wakes up and sees
a cup of tea beside her with a note “have a nice day, my love”. She smiles and
takes the first sip of tea. Meanwhile Steve enters.)
you like the tea, sloth bear?
shut up Steve you never leave a single chance to tease me. By the way tea
tastes good and the note was pretty cute. Did you write that for me?
– Not
at all I wrote it for Mr. Man in white
Steve!!! I forgot to tell you I met the man in white yesterday.
narrates the whole incident).
hears her and switches on the television)
Yesterday night the man in the white saved a
7 year old girl from a group of boys. Yet again as usual the man in white
didn’t leave a single glance. The special police team is finding it hard to
solve the mystery.
Jane – Look Steve
I told you I was there. He is a real hero.
Steve – Ya he is a hero. But I still feel
something is fishy. How does he appear on the right time at wrong places?
Jane – I don’t know. But he is my hero. I ll sure go on a
date with him.
Steve – (grins) It’s not wrong to dream.
Jane- You are joking on me.
Steve – Ya ,off
course not.
is seen lying on his couch outside alone. Jane was fast asleep. Steve thinks
about the days when he and Jane met for the first time.
It was a breezy evening; Steve had
come to the park to relax. Steve was a
graphic designer who worked for a company. Jane was seen with her father
strolling. Steve’s eyes fell on Jane and it was love at first sight. From that day onwards he became a regular
visitor. A single glimpse of Jane’s face soothed his heart.
Three months passed by and Jane’s
father noticed Steve. He liked Steve and approached to offer Jane’s hand to
him. Steve was on cloud nine when he came to know that even Jane felt same for
Jane and Steve got married and lived
their happy life in a small cottage in New York. 4 years passed by so soon and
one day Jane gave him the good news of becoming a mother. Steve’s happiness had
no bounds.

On reaching a certain distance she
couldn’t see anything except darkness. Before she could understand anything the
man forced himself on her. She kept on shouting for help, But of no use.
Steve on not finding Jane came in
search of her. He reached the spot where he found Jane in a very bad condition.
Immediately he rushed her to the hospital. The doctors revealed the truth to
Steve and he came to knew that he had lost his child. Steve couldn’t bear this
and wanted to know who the culprit was and kill him. Jane was completely
Steve filed a case and it went along
for a year. Jane was shattered. Since there was no evidence Steve lost. This
affected Jane deeply. She went down to depression.
Months went by and Jane got little
better by Steve’s love but little did he know that there was a deep secret
Why aren’t you asleep yet?
Steve – I just wanted to relax. Why are you awake?
Go and take rest.
Jane- Is everything ok?
Steve – Yes. Don’t
worry honey.
One night Steve and Jane were
sleeping. Jane got up slowly and left out stealthily.
She went out into the streets and kept
on walking.
After reaching a little distance she
heard a girl crying. A middle aged man was molesting her.
Steve woke up and panicked not finding
Jane. He found the main door open and ran outside. He walked on and on until he
found someone standing in a white robe. He placed his hand on the person’s
shoulder. He was shocked to see Jane. It was Jane in white robe. On seeing
Steve she fell unconscious.
Steve immediately took her to the
doctor. There he found out that Jane was suffering from dual personality
syndrome. The trauma which she underwent made her to think that she is a hero
and she is saving girls from molesting. She creates an imaginative story
herself and wears a white robe and calls herself ‘the man in white’. Every night she would change herself into the
man in white and wander in the streets. She would forget all incidents in the
morning and behave normal.
has been eight years now after the incident. Steve is still trying for Jane to
be fine. But his efforts are going in vain. To make her normal he has created a
fake news channel about the man in white with a hope of seeing Jane fine.
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