There's always sunshine after the rain.

Every time I read this phrase it hits me hard. There are circumstances in life when we are blanketed by sadness, failure, criticism. People are always ready to question about the things which we don’t have. There are many to laugh at our failures, but few to congratulate at our success. The greatest challenge to face in one’s life is taking up people’s criticism as a positive one and making it as strength. I have heard this one from a lecture – “The world knows the one who was pushed from the train but not the one who pushed him.” Similarly in our lives there are many people who always push and break us. Their only motive is to see us shattered and failed. But we should always remember that these punches which we receive are to make us, not break us. A person who has never experienced failure will never value success. Failing a hundred times is better than not trying. We may feel that some paths in life are extremely difficult. The starting point of that path seems to...