We may meet many friends in the journey of life. Not all friends are best friends.   A Best friend is someone special and precious. I would like to write about such a precious best friend in my life.

I still remember the day when she entered our class. We were in 8th STD and it was our new academic year. Divya was new to the class and usually everyone was staring at her as if she had come from another planet. I was clearly able to make out how she was trying to hide her tears. As I was also a new student before I could easily understand her shyness and helplessness. I wanted to be friends with her but as she used to sit quietly I didn’t want to disturb her.

Then gradually she was friends with some of my classmates. At the end of 8th standard, our class teacher changed our sitting places. I was made to sit near divya. I was literally sad. I had a feeling that she maybe a very rude and stubborn girl as I never saw her smiling at me. But god had some plans, few days spent by and we were not that close. One day somehow I mustered the courage and started a casual conversation with her. I was happy to know about her family and sister. Gradually we had lunch together and I came to know that egg was her favorite. Her mother would make different varieties of egg dishes and which would always remind me of ‘ Sunday ho ya Monday, roz khao andey ‘ advertisement.

We were only good friends then. She used to travel by rickshaw and I by school van. We used to leave the school together and chat all along the way until her rickshaw and my van arrived. The next academic year began. On the first day of 9th standard I sat on the second bench. I was waiting for divya to come and sit beside me, but she sat in some other place. I was sad and I just turned around to smile at her. I just gestured her to come and sit beside me. In no time she hopped with her bag .

We became best friends and inseparables. Then I had suffered from chicken pox and was unable to attend classes for a period of two weeks. She helped me a lot by supplying her notes via my sister. But her handwriting was beyond my understanding. After I joined school back we had a small fight regarding her handwriting. I knew she could improve it. So I used to give small hits to her knuckles whenever she wrote, as a result of which her handwriting improved. Everyone started appreciating her and she never forgot to give me credits.

When our tenth results were announced she was the happiest person to know my result. We joined the same college and opted for science. Tough we used to get less time for enjoyment, but we spent each and every minute preciously.  Those days when our canteen was flooded during lunch time I usually was pushed by others due to my small height, she was always there to pull me and protect me. Once she texted me that on her way back to home she had a small accident in the bus. I began to cry and then I came to know that she was fine. I never used to show my love towards her. She always knew that though I never spoke out I loved her deeply. The whole college knew our friendship and we were even eyed by several communal people.

No birthday was complete without a party in our favorite ice cream parlor. Each birthday was special because Divya was always ready with a special gift. 

One thing I always admired about her was though we were from two different religions; it never became a barrier between our friendships. Our families even respected each other. She was always fond of my mom’s made biriyani and I liked her mom’s dum aloo.

The most memorable days were our Bsc degree days. We used to enjoy a lot . We were paid with a pocket money of Rs.300 monthly. We used to save it and at the end of the month buy some things from it. I was very sad when she was absent for classes due to typhoid for 10 days. When she joined back college the first thing she asked me was “Did you miss me?” I just replied that “why should I miss you?” she knew that I was the one who missed her the most, but as usual never showed it up.

As we say every relationship has ups and downs, even our relationship had. I was short tempered in nature but she always calmed me down. Whenever i would be angry with her i always called her name and not the nickname named by me to her.When I was upset she was always there to console me and there were no hidden secrets between us. I knew each and every tiny detail about her and she about me.

After completing our graduation we planned to take up teaching job. She was offered a job nearby my place. She always considered me as her lucky charm. She wanted me to go along with her and asked me to submit those documents to the office. She was selected. I was offered a job far away and it was the most painful situation because we had to part ways. In these 8 years there was no situation where we were separated. But we used to text and meet whenever we were free.

Six months passed, I thought of joining B.ed . Even divya was interested but she backed off at the last moment. I was hurt and left in tears. I wanted her to be with me. But her mother was against it. I didn’t contact her. I was very angry. I guess this was our first fight.  Every day she used to text me to which I didn’t reply. After completing my admission, I thought of texting her. I texted her and requested to join . She spoke to her family and it was a green signal from their side.

Now a new chapter began in our lives. Every day we had to travel by bus from Mulki to Mangalore, which was the most enjoyable and unforgettable moment. Every Saturday we would go to Hampankatta for shopping.

Once we had a fight . I started to feel insecure that maybe she is more attached to new friends and was avoiding me. She assured me that there was nothing but I was not ready to listen, after lot of confrontation I confirmed that she was the same divya whom I had met in school.  This was our second fight.

 She helped a lot during those days.   The assignment preparation was incomplete without her final touch up. She was the one who would stitch and bind the assignment. We used to group study and she was always dependent on my last minute explanation during examinations. Those 10 months passed out so soon.

When I scored 7th rank in my B.ed examination she was on cloud nine. She messaged each and everyone in our friend circle about it. I had got a visa for job in Oman and had to leave India. I still have that picture in my heart where we parted away with tears. I was miles apart from her but yet she was always close to my heart. We would whatsapp each other every day and I would share with her the happenings in Oman. I used to miss her a lot.

Soon her marriage was fixed and I was happy. I was sad too I felt maybe I won’t be a priority in her life anymore. But I was wrong; I was always her best friend and will be.

Our friendship cannot be described in these words. It’s beyond that. I have never seen a selfless and caring individual like her. Whenever I needed a shoulder for support she was always ready. I will always be grateful to Allah for giving me such a friend and making our relationship stronger every passing day. Allah blesses only lucky people with true friends and I am happy he gave me one.


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