Value of Sacrifice

I woke up this morning with a hope. A hope to see the sunshine, A hope to see the outside world and amongst them with a hope to see my family. It’s been long years since I have been in this place. Sometimes I wonder what the reason for being here is. Is it my innocence responsible? Or is it my devotion for truth? Or is it my unbound love for my family? I have heard that every year the king releases some of the prisoners in the holy month of Ramadan. And every year I hope that I may find my name in the list. Unfortunately 14 years passed but my name was never mentioned. Most of my mates have been released and are enjoying their life maybe. Today it’s also one such day, the day when the king announces the name of those lucky prisoners who would be leaving this place. The sudden thumping and creaking sound of the prison gate put end to my thoughts. The jailer announced to me that I was among one who would be released by the king today. My happiness ha...