A thing of beauty is joy forever

I remember reading this quote by poet, John Keats in my high school. I used to wonder maybe being beautiful is the happiest thing in one’s life. As I grew up I realized that my thinking was wrong.

A thing maybe visually appealing, but if the quality is poor nobody would want to own it. Often when we go for shopping we get fooled by external features of an object. When we buy it and it’s not up to our expectation we don’t take a minute to throw it away.

It’s not only applicable for objects but for some people too. There are many who are so beautiful and attractive to eyes, but when it comes to their behavior, it’s filled with envy and hatred. Such people are the most toxic to the society. They make friends with an intention of hurting and cheating. They are characterized by a very sweet tongue and a bitter heart. They can never be friends with anyone. They are always left alone at the end. If you are going to fall for their candied words then be ready to face the consequences. It’s true that often we are tricked. But we can always learn a lesson from it and stay aware. We can entrust a person but once the trust is broken we shouldn’t be so foolish to believe them again.

I have seen many such people in my life, who have a fair skin tone but their hearts are blackened. I would always like to give preference to a person who is very humble and polite though not attractive rather the proud one with good looks.The moral of the story,Beauty and beast comes to my mind - 

"True beauty comes from within:its about being kind to others. It also shows how the beast is turned to a prince by beauty’s pure love for him."

I agree with John Keats, a thing of beauty is indeed a boon in each one’s life. A person who has a beautiful character and conduct can make anyone’s life blessed. Often many prefer the one who is  appealing to the eye and in this effort they forget the most important aspect. The one who is less attractive but has a pure intention can do wonders. They are like an oasis in the middle of desert that can help to survive. They should be always held tight and kept close in life, which leads to happiness and joy. Physical appearance fades away with time, what remains at the end is good deeds and good thoughts. So always reach out to kind and good hearted people and never lose them in life. They are the ones to be treasured.


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