SABA looked gorgeous in her red salwar suit. The matching accessories added extra attraction. Today a guy was coming to see Saba. Saba always dreamt of a handsome and loving husband. Everybody in the house was very happy. 

Finally, the boy’s side appeared.

Saba’s heart started beating very fast. She felt as if her heart would plunge out anytime. 

Ayan was a gentle and not so good looking boy. But he was of pure heart and a clean character. Many girls rejected ayan for his not so good looking personality. But ayan never lost hope and every time he would meet a girl with anticipation that she will accept him the way he is. Even today it was the same.

Ayan liked Saba. But, Saba’s expectation was different. She was in a dual state of mind. She liked ayan’s character, but he wasn’t the prince charming she always dreamt of.

 The whole night she kept thinking. She remembered about prophet Yusuf’s (a.s.) life history. How being a good looking person he was put into difficulties and imprisoned. Physical beauty always fades with time what remains is the good quality and character. Allah will never question about the beauty, he always looks into the character and faith of a person. Saba prayed to Allah to show her the right path and help her to take the right decision.

The bright rays of the sun filled Saba with enthusiasm. The fragrance of lilies in the balcony delighted Saba. She had decided that she will accept ayan and love him in every possible way. She decided never to create a barrier in their married life based on the looks.

The wedding preparation started with great zeal. All the members of the family happily involved. Finally, the day of wedding arrived. Saba looked stunning in her bridal dress. The wedding took place and Saba left to ayan’s house.

There began Saba’s new life. 

Time flew and Saba and ayan became parents of two beautiful kids. She has never seen such a wonderful person like ayan. She always thanked Allah for giving her such a wonderful life partner. Love is blind, and yes, Saba was blind because she couldn’t see the imperfection in ayan’s physical appearance.


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