Tears of repentance

Rajesh couldn’t see his daughter suffering in this way. His daughter Neeta neither spoke to anyone nor she was having food. She was like a living dead body.

Rajesh tried harder to console her but she wasn’t in a condition to take his words. He brought the best doctors but it was of no use. No one could cure Neeta.

Neeta was an outstanding student in her school and college life. She was a PHD. holder in psychological science from London University. Rajesh never had a second thought while spending for Neeta because Neeta was his only daughter. After the death
of his wife Sunita, Rajesh tried to give her mother’s love and took good care of Neeta.

In this way Neeta was moving forward and she was on top of the world now. She was interested in social service and her interest helped her to reach great heights and she was awarded for it.

Neeta’s life was settled. Now Rajesh wanted Neeta to get married. So search for a groom was going on.

Meanwhile Neeta arranged a free yoga camp in a garden nearby her home. She was happy to see that many people joined enthusiastically. There she met Nikhil. Nikhil was a young and dynamic and was introduced to Neeta as a software engineer in a reputed company.  He had joined this camp to gain some relaxation from his heavy work. Neeta fell for him on the first look.  Nikhil introduced himself as an orphan. In this way their friendship grew and turned into love. Rajesh even accepted their relation and all was well. Neeta was deeply in love with Nikhil.

But one day suddenly Nikhil disappeared. He wasn’t to be seen anywhere. Neeta tried to ring him up but his phone was out of reach. Rajesh also got to know that the cash and jewels at home are missing. Neeta and Rajesh thought to inform the police .Neeta was asked to produce Nikhil’s photograph. Upon seeing his photograph what the police told shocked Neeta and this was the last time Neeta spoke.

The police told that he was a most wanted criminal, he introduces himself as software engineer, businessman, and he plays with innocent girls and gives them the hope of marriage and on one fine day he disappears. Not only he disappears but he takes away the valuable items and disappears. The police told them that they will try their best to find him and punish him.

Neeta fell unconscious. The doctor was called. Though Neeta gained conscious she never spoke. She was sobbing whole day and became very lean.

It’s been a year now and Neeta’s condition had not at all improved. Nor was Nikhil caught.
Rajesh thought to himself why did god do like this to me? I have never hurt anyone. Why did he do like this with his loving daughter?


Suddenly Rajesh remembered about his past incident. Rajesh mind went to the past.
It was during his college days in Sahaydri College of technology. Rajesh was young and handsome. He was in his final years then. Three years of his college life passed away by ragging from their seniors. So now he was happy that now he got the chance to rag the new coming juniors.

So it was the new academic year began and Rajesh and his friends decided to rag the juniors and enjoy.

They could see girls and boys with colorful dresses. They stopped few boys in the entrance of the college gate and gave them few tasks and they were forced to do it and Rajesh and his friends were having fun.

In this way few months passed on. Now the juniors also got adjusted to the environment.
Rajesh and his friends heard about a girl named, kajal. Kajal was a simple and decent girl.  She had specs on her eyes and was not so fair in complexion; she was just average to look Nobody ever saw her speaking to boys. She was from an orthodox family. She never used to get involved into anything other than studies. She would be always being seen in the library involved in studies.

 Now Rajesh was given a task by his friends to make her fall for him. If he succeeded he would be paid with money. As all his friends were rich and Rajesh was from middle class family obviously the greed for money entered Rajesh mind and he agreed for the task given by his friends.

So now Rajesh began his game. One day when kajal was in library Rajesh sat beside her and introduced himself. But there was no response from her. Rajesh felt insulted because every girl wanted to speak to him because of his charm. But this girl avoided him. He didn’t give up. He started going behind kajal . Finally one day he told kajal that he loved her a lot. Kajal was shocked. She scolded Rajesh for his behavior and left the place. But Rajesh didn’t leave hope. After constant efforts from Rajesh Finally kajal also fell in love with Rajesh.

Kajal was no more the old one. She changed. She loved Rajesh deeply but she was unaware that Rajesh love for her was fake. It was just a task.

It was New Year and it was the last day of Rajesh’s task. . There was a party arranged in the college and Rajesh was proud that he completed his task and won the money.

Kajal came near to Rajesh and gave him a gift. Rajesh threw the gift on her face and told that –“How can you think that I am going to love a girl like you. Look at me and you. I was just given a task by my friends to make you to fall for me and I have won it. I don’t need you in my life anymore. I just played with you and I must thank you for helping me to win this task. So now just get lost from my sight and let me enjoy the party”.

Kajal was speechless and shocked. 
She was broken because she loved him truly. Kajal's only words for rajesh were-“One day you will also get to know this pain and God is never going to forgive you for this.”

Later Rajesh came to know that kajal became mentally upset and she was admitted to a rehab ration centre. But Rajesh was not bothered about it he just enjoyed his life. He moved on in his life.

Rajesh was brought back to reality by barking of the dog. Now he came to know that Neeta was suffering because the deed he had done during his past years. Kajal was right now he came to know what pain was. 
What you have done comes back to you, whether it’s good or bad. Tears of repentance silently flowed from Rajesh’s eyes.


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