A superhero is a type of heroic stock character, usually
possessing supernatural or superhuman
powers, who is dedicated to fighting the evil of his/her universe,
protecting the public, and usually battling supervillains.
But do you know a real life superhero who doesnot need any supernatural or superhuman powers?
There is only one person who could be on your
mind right now and that person is a father.
I would like to write about those expat fathers
who sacrifice their whole lives for the sake of their family’s happiness and
stay away from the country.
someone tells that he works in a gulf country we get a picture of lavish and
modern lifestyle. But no one has an idea that how many sacrifices they have to
go through in order to provide for the needs of a family back there.
When I was a high school girl I was very proud
that my father worked in gulf. My friends would wait for my father to come for
vacations so they could get a bite of those chocolates wrapped in a very fancy
pack. They would even keep those wrappers safely so they could show off among
others. I used to look forward for my dad’s arrival in the airport. I could witness that happiness in his eyes when he sees his family after a gap of one year. The
most exciting part was when he would open up his luggage and distribute the
things bought. He made sure to bring everything which we listed. Those two
months would pass away in a blink of eye. We made sure to spend every second
with him and make it memorable. The day when he finally had to go back was the
most crucial one. We would never be able to hold back our tears but he had a strong
power of smiling in that moment also.
Every night we waited for his call. Those few
minutes were enough for him to pass the rest of the months over there. I never
knew what he may be going through there. How hard it would have been for him to
stay there alone? Finally one day when I arrived as an expat I came to know the
pain one has to go through. I saw the way he worked to make us independent and
live a life of ease. Every month when he received the salary he would not wait
for a minute to reach the exchange office and send it to my mom, who would
manage the expenses. They work the whole year just to make their families live a
happy and peaceful life. There are days when they break down and fall ill, but
never do they complain or let anyone know about it.
This one incident opened my eyes and showed the
reality of expat fathers. Once, my dad’s friend had given us a visit. After having
a casual chat I came to know that he worked in a hardware shop, he was not paid
wages since 6 months and tears welled up in his eyes. That scene just broke my
heart. There are a number of people who work under these conditions being
helpless. They have a fear that maybe if they went back, there would be no one
who would support them financially and emotionally.
Another incident was when I heard a man who was
speaking to his fellow mate about how his family always complains about his bad
choice about certain things. Whenever he took any gifts they would just thrash
it without even thinking that he had to earn really hard to buy those. Some people
even say that their families remember them only when they are in need of money.
Whenever they ring them up the first thing they would be asking is “ how much you have” not “how are
I also would like to mention that some people
are expert in judging. When an expat thinks thousand times to buy something for
himself there are many who call him stingy. For those people I would say that
he is not stingy, he just has a family who depend on his earnings. He is just
thinking maybe that money may help his family in any way.

I pray to The Almighty to give strength, patience
and good health to all those expats and bless them.