“Noora, Noora! Where are you?”
Coming Dada”-ten year old Noora jumped from the mango tree and ran towards her home.
“Why did you call me Dada? I was about to pluck those ripe mangoes”- Noora expressed her disappointment.
It’s ok beta, you can pluck it later. Now go and give this Nihari to Raju chacha across the border. It’s been a long time he may be waiting for this and convey my salam to him”, saying so Sheikh Aslam placed a package in Noora's hands.
Noora covered her head with a velvet scarf and happily hopped away. She walked along the green meadows and the gardens filled with sunflowers. On her way ,the tea plantation welcomed her with its aroma. The lake on the way, looked extremely pleasing with its decorated boats filled with tourists. After a fifteen minute walk she reached the border.
“Raju chacha, O Raju chacha, Its Noora here!”
Raju chacha heard Noora and put those big framed specs on his eyes and holding his walking stick came out from his house and stood near the grilled gate.
“Yes beta Noora. How are you? How is my friend Aslam?” he questioned in one go.
“Raju chacha, I am fine. How are you? Dada ji is fine too”- Noora answered breathlessly.
Chacha I have this Nihari for you and dadaji has conveyed his salam to you.”- said Noora handing over the box carefully through the grill.
"Valaikum salam, Shukriya beta.”replied Raju chacha and his eyes lit up and he carefully held the box and tears of joy fell from his eyes.
Ok Noora beta, you must leave now before anyone sees you and say my Namaste to Aslam and tell that I miss him” saying so Raju waved his hand and Noora left hurriedly.
Aslam was  waiting for Noora to return.
“Dada, I gave Nihari to Raju chacha and he said  that he misses you and said Namaste to you.”said Noora with a smile on her face.
Aslam replied – “ Namaste ,Raju.” And his eyes filled with tears.
Dada why are you crying?”-asked Noora worriedly.
Aslam held Noora  close and made her sit in his lap and said-“ I am not crying dear, I just miss those days when me and Raju used to enjoy our childhood. “
Noora – “Is Raju chacha your best friend dada?”
He is piece of my heart, Noora. We used to live in nearby houses . I loved his mother’s Besan laddoo and he loved your badi dadi’s Nihari. Every day we went to school together and played lots of games. Each festival was special for us. During Ramadan my Iftar was incomplete if Raju didn’t join me and Diwali was incomplete for Raju if I didn’t join him in bursting crackers. We grew up and were in our 20’s and one night a group of mobs entered our houses and threw all our belongings. They just shouted one thing……”
What was that dada?”- asked little noora.
Aslam went to the flashback.
They shouted –“ Leave our land, you Muslims. This is India and its  the land of Hindus. You people don’t have any place here .Leave our India and get lost”.
They threw all the things and pushed people from their houses. Raju came running towards my house and stopped the mob but in vain. Their only question was – Being a Hindu how can you support them ? Throw them out from this place and they nabbed Raju and thrashed him hard. I tried hard to save him but in vain. This continued for three days and we were left with no food and roof. When the mob saw we weren’t leaving ,they started killing our women and children. This made us terrified and one dark  night all those Muslim families left their mother land with a heavy heart .And then we came to Pakistan. But my heart still lies in India. “
“How is it possible that you both are still best friends?” – little Noora posed a doubt.
Aslam smiled and replied –
Noora has become intelligent now a days. Dear ,when I was about 26 years old i got selected for The Pakistan army . I happily accepted this offer because I wanted to thank this country for giving me shelter and a new life. I was appointed as a guard in the Indo- Pak border. Every single day I missed Raju and the land. Those days we didn’t have any means of communication,we were just connected through heart. One day ,I saw a new guard was posted on the Indian border and to my surprise it was my best friend, Raju. Allah gave a new way to our friendship. Though we were just separated by a wired grill we spoke every day and shared  our joys and sorrows. I was then given a house near the border and I took my family along. Raju too longed for a house nearby and he was provided the same by The Indian government.  Years passed on and we got retired. It was the most saddest day in our lives. We couldn’t see each other but promised to post letters and exchange gifts. So every time  when Nihari is prepared I make sure to give a share to Raju and he makes sure to send Besan laddoo with his grandson Sunny. So our  friendship continued , though we are separated by border we will always be connected through heart by love and peace.”
Noora,My child always remember, never fight in the name of religion. Spreading hatred and creating wars can never bring any gain. It always brings loses. When love and peace is prevailed this world becomes beautiful.Respect every religion and love every human being. “
Noora nodded her head –“ Yes dada, I will always remember your words. I pray to Allah to keep your friendship strong till the end of this world.”
“Ameen”- saying so Aslam held his hands together and prayed to the Almighty.


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