Its OK not be to OK

Modern world is nothing but mere illusion. People are striving hard to be perfect.They hide their imperfections and mask their originality. Thus, leaving them distressed and depressed. 
Its OK to be NOT OK,
Its OK to cry for silly reasons,
Its OK to feel worthless,
Its OK to feel demotivated,
Its OK to feel empty even when you have everything,
Its OK to be alone and happy with yourselves,
Its OK to hide inside your own cocoon,
Its OK to disappoint people,
Its OK to be flawed.

Why do you need to give a explanation for being the best version of 'YOU'? 
YOU are unique,
YOU are perfect the way you are,
YOU cannot keep everyone happy,
YOU cannot be in everybody's good books.

Remember, your mental health is always your responsibility. If you keep feeling bad for their words and actions, eventually you are going to fall into the pit. They are not going to lose anything. Instead, they will be happy seeing you in sorrow. 

Let's normalise and respect each one. We never know who is suffering and going through behind the closed doors. A happy person may be the one who cries the most alone. Don't envy them, because they are masters in hiding their pain. Let's lend our shoulder to someone who is suffering and not hurt them with our actions and words.

I hope Allah heals each one who is suffering silently. 


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