How grateful are we?

In these days of pandemic, one thing which we are missing out the most is freedom. We had freedom to roam, celebrate, speak, travel, eat, work, gather, pray and many more. But now our lives are bound to home which can be extremely frustrating sometimes. 
I have learned a lot from this pandemic days. 

I have learned to be grateful for the simple yet important things in my life. People are paying for their breathe, and thanks to Allah  for keeping me healthy.

 Health is wealth - No amount of money can buy your health back. Take care of it before it takes your life away.

All these years I have seen people hiding their true faces behind a mask and now people are wearing mask to prevent themselves from the virus. I hope they would prevent their hearts too from ill feelings.

When we had the chance to talk to our near and dear ones, we didn't have time. Now when we have time to speak to them, we don't have them. Irony!

Homemade food is the best. We were crazy about eating out at restaurants and hotels. Eating homemade food was a boring thing. But now we are addicted to homemade food and on top of that some have become expert cooks too.

Having good times with family and friends are only memories now. Cherish it and have a virtual talk with them.

I have learned that spending quality time with yourself is very important too. Your mental health is also important like physical health. Look after it with utmost care and love.

Hobbies are the best friend during these times. It helps to relieve stress and pass time productively. Cultivate healthy hobbies and make use of this time more productively.

Learn to find happiness in being alone. You may not have someone every time. More people are suffering from depression than covid. Its because we depend on others to keep yourself happy.

Hope this pandemic ends soon and we would be able to live our normally like before. Stay safe, be grateful and be happy 


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