Reason to live

Her eyes shone,
Just like a diamond cladded in gold,
Her lips curved,
Just like a leaf with dew drops,
Her hands were decorated,
Just like a garden dancing with flowers,
Her happiness echoed,
Just like a baby with no worries,
It was that day which she dreamt for long,
It was the day she was given to him,
Thousand dreams twinkled in her eyes,
Which broke like shooting stars in the skies,
Million promises soothed her ears,
Which pricked like a noise in her world,
The hand which she held was left in the middle,
She became like a ship sailing along a stormy sea,
There! Came a strongest wave,
She was pushed to the shore,
That became her savior,
That became her home for the rest of her life!
Dreams shone again in those eyes,
And it became her reason to live!


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