Burning bridges

Maintaing boundaries in any relationship is very important. You cannot let people enter your life, use you as they need and leave you. It will leave you devasted and you start losing trust on people. Healthy boundaries will help you to keep your mental health at bay. 
Relationships are like bridges. It connects people both physically and emotionally with love, care, understanding, trust and hope. But sometimes when you are too good to people, they take advantage of you. That's when you will have to burn the bridge.
There are people who will break your heart without any reason.
There are people who will envy your success.
There are people who will mock your failure.
There are people who will let you down.
There are people who won't acknowledge you.
Burn the bridge between such people before its too late. Don't let their negativity enter your heart and shatter your confidence.Learn to say NO when you aren't comfortable with something. Don't compromise your peace of mind for pleasing others. Keep a boundary with such people.
 Tell them that it's not OK to treat you wrongly. 
Tell them that it's not OK to stamp and crush you.
Show them that you are strong enough to fight for your rights.
Show them that you aren't meant to hear their nonsense.

So, let's keep ourselves safe and sound. Let's burn the bridge whenever and wherever its necessary. Let's be happy and keep others happy too.


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