Greatest moments of life

Someone just asked me ," Has the greatest moment in your life arrived?"
I failed to answer the question and just smiled.

What would I say? There are so many moments in my life which are so special and close to my heart. 

Is it the moment when I saw my tears of joy in my mother's eye when I was awarded a rank?
Is it the moment when my dad whispered," I am proud of you" when I got a job.
Is it the moment when my relatives envied my success?
Is it the moment when my friend's sister told me ," Sister, you are an inspiration and I want to become like you."
Is it the moment when I saw my daughter, my bundle of joy for the first time?
Is it the moment when I held my son for the first time?
Is it the moment when my daughter wiped away my tears and assured that everything will be OK?
Is it the moment when my son stood up for me and fought for my rights?
Is it the moment when I was at the verge of giving up but fought back against all odds?
Is it the moment when I realised that," I am proud of myself for the way god has created me?

All these moments have made me. They have given me innumerable lessons. I cannot point out one single moment because these have build me and given me an identity. So every moment in my life is the greatest even if it has broken and shattered me. Because it has given me wings to fly in that sky which was just my dream.


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