Colorless Dreams

Her light was growing dim,
She kept watching him,
How fast her life changed?
Or maybe her life was rearranged!
From her to his,
From we to us!
She was looked down,
With many reasons to frown,
Her own skin pricked to death,
Hopes died but she breathe!
The sun never shone in her sky,
All she did was only cry.
Words were lighter than air,
Crumpling the rose in her hair,
What bad did she do?
She fell in love so true!
His fire burned the ties,
He was a beast in a man's disguise,
Lies were scattered all around,
The shining world crushed to the ground,
The flowers lost their scent,
Gripped with fear her life was spent,
Her eyes were hard and ashamed,
For no fault her fate was chained,
The world worshipped him as sane,
In her world,he was a bane,
Colourful dreams faded soon,
And left the sky with a faint moon,
Every night she was painted,
With shades of dark and tainted,
Morning came with hues of pink,
The reality made her sink,
She wasn't his permanent ink,
Did she ever have time to think?
Colourless dreams made their way,
All she did was stay!
With pain masked with smile,
She learned to live after a while!


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