After a while

After a while,
I learned this world isn't for the kind.
After a while,
I learned that not all are meant to stay.
After a while,
I learned that heartbreaks are the real breaks.
After a while,
I learned that actions are always greater than words.
After a while,
I learned it was hard to unlearn certain emotions.
After a while,
I learned to lean on a wall instead of a shoulder.
After a while,
I learned its always you and yourself.
After a while,
I learned not to give the power of trust to all.
After a while,
I learned to be silent when my words aren't valued.
After a while,
I learned to speak only when it hit the right chord.
After a while,
I learned that truth will always remain high
After a while,
I learned people change more rapidly than seasons.
After a while,
I learned to let go of situations which harm my mental health.
After a while,
I learned accept the changes and change myself when needed.
After a while,
I learned to see beauty in broken things and relationships.
After a while,
I learned that I don't need a reason to love and live. 


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