Now and Then

The days back then, were wonderful,
Hearts were bigger, houses were small.
Smiles were real, fights were rare.
Relations were true, promises weren't fake.
Games were meaningful, playing outside was fun.
Love was pure, joys were shared.
But now,
Hearts are smaller, houses are big.
Smiles are fake,fights are common.
Relations are false, promises are broken.
Games are meaningless, playing inside is fun.
Love is impure, joys are hidden. 

Where are we heading to? This new life is pushing us to depression and loneliness.  People are used just like things and things are valued for their price.  I want to go back to those days and value my relations and find true love. Unlike now, I don't want to get used by others for their needs. I want to be loved for what I am. Will those days come back ever? 


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