Talk it Out

Do you sometimes feel like you have everything yet you miss something? 

Do you sometimes feel like you have a big family but no one to share your feelings?

Do you sometimes feel like you have the love of your life beside you, yet not happy?

Do you sometimes feel like running away from everything and never come back?

Do you sometimes feel like going back to the good times and stay there forever?

Do you sometimes feel like taking your heart out and show it how badly its hurt?

Do you sometimes feel like standing alone and pat your shoulders for coming a long way in life?

Do you sometimes feel like shouting at people for hurting you badly yet you remain silent for the sake of relations?

All these emotional turmoil aren't normal. We often tend to suppress our feelings to please others. We keep them deep inside our hearts and fake a smile, which will tear us down bit by bit. We tend to forget our true self by masking a smile. But remember that one day all these feelings will bubble out. It will eventually cause more harm than ever. 

Talk it out before it takes a toll on you.
Talk it out before it burns you from inside.
Talk it out before its too late.
Just talk it out and clear your heart,before you leave!


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