Broken but beautiful

I had so many dreams while growing up.
I wanted to be a doctor.
I wanted to be successful. 
I wanted to look after my parents. 
I wanted to be financially  independent. 
But as I started growing, these dreams started getting foggy. I was pushed to see the reality. Life doesn't go the way you think. All your dreams aren't meant to be fulfilled. Some are just meant to be dreams.
I was so engrossed in living in my dream land that I was hurt when reality slapped my face. I wondered why did it even happen to me?

Then I realised, I was a bird. I was that bird which my parents took care of with utmost love. My wings were nurtured and they always made sure to stand beside me when I flew. But one day, they left me. They gave me to someone who put me inside a golden cage. I saw people envying  me because I had this golden cage, but they failed to see that I was bound to a cage. How does it matter if it is made up of gold or anything else? I am already a prisoner anyhow.

I wanted to fly just like before. But my wings were broken. It was broken with rules, traditions and culture. I was burdened with responsibilities which crushed my wings. I sometimes even forgot that I had wings! My dreams were broken one by one just like pearls scattering on the floor. 

I was left with nothing but broken dreams and broken wings. But as they say, at the end of every darkness there is light. 
I found light.
 I found peace. 
I opened the cage and tried to fly with my broken wings to chase those broken dreams. 
I know, it might be hard but not impossible!
I know, it might be different but not wrong!
I know, if its not today then its never!

In this journey of chasing my dreams, I realised that it didn't matter whoever clipped your wings or broke your dreams , all it mattered is how well you stand up against them. How well you learn to fly again and chase those dreams even when they try to pull you down.
Keep your head high, because that's what you are made for! 
You are strong,
You are hope,
You are Broken but beautiful!


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