Happy woman's Day

Today, 8th of March is marked as international woman's day. Like every other day this day too passes away. Some celebrate and some don't. Everyday is a woman's day for a woman. She doesn't rest. She works tirelessly without any payment. She isn't even appreciated for what she does. Her work is always looked down. If she is a home maker she is considered as useless and if she is a working woman she is considered as proud.  Whatever a woman does she is always judged. 
What makes me sad is it's always a woman who destroys another woman. We don't support each other be it in any field. We may have passed through that phase but still we judge. I don't know why it happens. A woman knows about how difficult carrying a child is yet she judges other woman and  make their life difficult. A mother knows the struggle to raise a child yet she comments about our child's appearance and judge another mother. A mother in law knows how difficult it is for her daughter in law to adjust to the new surroundings yet she doesn't support her. A sister in law knows how it feels to body shame yet she hurts the sentiments of the girl who just entered their life and house. A boss knows how it feels to bleed every month and literally die enduring it yet she refuses to grant leave to her employee. A woman never helps another woman even if she has gone through the same pain and path. Very sad!

So, this woman's day let's pledge to make life easy for other woman. Let's lend them a helping hand when needed. Let's show them that we are all equal and one in this journey of womanhood! 

Happy woman's day! 


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