What's in the name?

Every child is being named beautifully by their parents. As for me,I was named by my mother. When I got my senses I didn't like my name much. I always used to ask my mother why did she give me such a not so good sounding name! And she used to say, 'I like that name and there will be a day when you will like your name too! 

Then in school and college my best friend trimmed my name from Rishana to Rishu. It sounded terrible to me! But she didn't back off. Well then, I had no other way to accept that name! 

I used to always dream about how would my name sound like from my life partner. It sounded beautiful when he called me by my name for the first time. But it was short lived. As years passed on, my name faded away. I became someone's daughter. I was called by someone's wife. I was addressed as someone's mother. I was never called by my name. My mother was right, I had started liking my name at this point in my life. I wanted someone to call me by my name. I wanted an identity of my own. I wanted to be known as 'Me'. Its so true that woman loses herself by playing many roles in her life. She never even tries to search herself in this journey. At some point of her life, she misses her old self and by that time it would be too late.

So even if no one calls by your name, stand in front of the mirror and call yourself. Your identity shouldn't be defined by the roles you play in your life, it should be defined by the shine in your eyes when you see yourself. It should be defined by how much you love yourself not by pleasing everyone around. Let's love our self before pouring out love! 


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