As you turned ONE

As you turn one, I would like to give you some pieces of advice. I know you are too small to understand or even read this. But someday, when you grow up, I want to show you this and make sure you become a strong individual and live your life to fullest.

Always remember, you will always be judged for how you are. Don't ever change yourself to please someone and keep any relationship going. If someone loves you truly, they will stay no matter how you are.

It's OK to make mistakes. Don't stress over it. You grow from your mistakes. You learn from your mistakes. You become wise from your mistakes. Learn, leave and move on.

Always love your skin. Your body and skin is the biggest blessing of Allah. If they don't like you, it's OK! You love yourself. Allah has created you with great effort and with a purpose. So, thank him often and be grateful.

Your modesty is your jewellery. Adorn it carefully. There are so many ways to sell it and there might be people waiting to steal it. Keep it safe from these people and don't lose your worth.

Don't knock others door if you have a problem. Just look around and you will find me. Share your pain with me. When I can give birth to you, can't I share your pain? You may feel my words are meaningless and useless sometimes, but my words are definitely not wrong. You may not come know at that specific time, but later on in life you will.

Learn to say NO. Don't refrain from it thinking about others lives. If you are not happy with something say it openly. Don't suffer in silence. By saying NO, you might be the villain in their story. But it's OK at least you kept the heroine of your story safe.

Criticism isn't bad. Every person who reaches the top will have to face it, whether they like it or not. Take it in a positive way. Take it only if its right. Don't fall prey to any wrong path.

Don't give the remote control of your life to others. Hold it firmly in your hands. You should be the controller. If ever you cannot do so or if your remote control has some fault, come to me. I will repair it and give it back to you.

Learn to tap your shoulder. Not everyone will be happy at your success. Not everyone will share your sorrows. The one who will stay forever is 'YOU'. So, keep encouraging yourself at times of failure and success.

You will have to leave me and go one day. You will have a better half someday. Don't be a doormat in that relationship. If they respect you, its fine. If they don't, its not fine. I will never be that mother who would put your life to stake to meet societal pleasure. I will correct you if you are wrong and I will stand by you if you are right.

These are some words which I wanted to tell you. Apart from these, I would still want you to learn a lot from life, learn many lessons and keep everything safe to lead a happy life.All the best to you my darling and Wish you a happy birthday!


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