Happy father's day Abba!

I always grew up seeing him working hard to keep us happy. Every single wish of me was fulfilled by him happily. It took me years to recognise that behind every wish of mine there was unfulfilled wish of his.
I wanted you to be proud of us.
 You never treated us like we were your weakness. You always taught us that girls need to be strong and stand up for themselves if its wrong. No one could have treated us better than you did! Behind every degree of mine is your sweat which I am grateful for my entire life. Even if I work for lifetime , I may not be able to repay for the things which you have done for us.

People tried to break you by always saying -" Oh! You don't have a son! Who will stand by you at old age?" But you always answered them bravely -" I don't need a son when I have daughters!"

I never saw you crying. But on the day of my wedding you cried harder. It broke me to see you like that. Did you fall weak? Or was it because of the fear that I'll have to endure everything without your hand to support me. 

The first time when I was pushed down, I remembered you. I wanted to come to you and tell you that they aren't treating me well! But I kept quiet! Because I didn't want to bother you. I didn't want to see you sad because of me. I didn't want you to feel guilty about your decisions. But now when things aren't in my control, I spoke! You supported me whole heartedly. In this stage of my life, when everyone left me only you held me. You became my umbrella. You became my savior. When I cried you held me and told -" Don't ever think you are alone. Don't ever think you are a burden to me. You are my daughter and you are very precious to me. May the world say whatever they want, but what matters for me is 'YOU'." That's how I was able to build myself again. 

Every time when you pick up Maryam, I can always see the love and care which you would have showered on me when I was small. I am very lucky that Allah has blessed me with you. Alhamdulillah!

Thank you for everything Abba! May Allah bless you with good health and a long life. May you always be happy. 


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