Perks of being an elder daughter

Disclaimer before you read: These are purely my thoughts and its not necessary that you agree with me too. :) 

I am elder daughter to my parents and I will not lie, I have enjoyed being it. They have given me more love and care. Apart from that there are many disadvantages of being an elder child. Let's look into that: 

1) You will have to sacrifice your dreams and desires according to your parents wish , be it career or your life. I always wanted to be a doctor. When the time came I had to change my plan, not because my parents forced me, but I knew they couldn't afford it. I knew my dad would have to work more if I opted for medical sciences which I didn't want.

2) You will be pressurized by friends and family to get married early since you are the road block for your siblings. People made my life living hell. Whenever I had to attend a function they bombarded me with like a thousand questions which I didn't want to answer.

3) You will have to think thousand times before rejecting a marriage proposal. Why? Because if you get married soon only then your siblings will get married. If you reject then your siblings will suffer.

4) You will always be alone in all fights of your life. You will always have to fight alone. There won't be any shoulder to lean on or a hand to hold on. That's because you don't want to bother your siblings or parents. 

5) You will be the first one to go through societal pressure. You will make sure your siblings won't go through that by supporting them. 

6) You will hide yours tears and fake a smile for the sake of your family. When your siblings are sad and upset you will be the one to hold them. No matter how much they hide you will catch it in a minute. 'Experience you know!'

7) You will see the worst part in your life and swear and make sure your siblings won't go through it.

8) Your sacrifices and care will always be unnoticed. You will help and care for all and in return you will never get anything.

9) Your experiences make you strong and you will never rely on anybody. That's because you alone will learn everything by yourself.

10) Lastly, you are the lone sufferers of some of your parent's trial and error decisions. I don't say parents decision are wrong but they can neither be right always.

Hope you enjoyed reading it! I won't force you to agree with me. But if you do agree, comment below. :) Have a nice day!


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