A girl's house

"One day you will leave this house and it will be all mine." - Jay teased his elder sister.
"That one day is never going to come."- Sheetal pouted angrily.

Sura smiled looking at them. It brought back those memories when she used to say the same -" I am not going anywhere. This is my house too." She used to tell her mother.

Her mother would say holding back her tears -" Every girl has to leave her house one day. The day she gets married she will never have a house.

Sura would often think that her mother was being old fashioned, but she never knew even after being educated , she will also have to face the same situation. Sura was married to Raj immediately after she completed her graduation. His was a joint family and she grew up in a nuclear family. It wasn't easy for her to adjust there. She had to make lot of compromises. She would often complain about it to her mother. But her mother would just smile and say -" Everything will be OK with time.  Have patience. " 

With time everything become ok and everything changed too. She slowly realised that her mother was right. After marriage, a girl doesn't have any home. She becomes an outsider for her parents and even after so much struggle she is never accepted whole heartedly in her husband's home. She becomes an outsider in the home where she grew up with great love from everyone. She came to know that the house which she used to brag as hers was never hers. A question always lingered in her heart -"Where exactly is a girl's home? Does she even belong somewhere?" 
Sura realised that half of her life had passed away finding answer to this question which remained unanswered for many generations to come!


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