Dear Daughter

As you are getting ready in that red outfit today, my eyes are welled up. How fast you grew up? Are you the same baby girl who I held tenderly for the first time with tears of joy in my eyes? Each time when you cried I cried along with you because I was a new mom who didn't know anything about you. Gradually, we developed a bond and you were my world.  

The first time when you went to school was the hardest for me. I spend the while day crying and worrying about how you would be without me. But, you were my strong girl, who learned everything without any fear. Today you would be leaving me and I hope you would learn to live happily there also.

I still remember the day when you were bullied for the first time. You cried and lost hope. But, I taught you how to fight back when someone opresses you. I hope you would raise your voice every time when someone abuses you and wrongs you. 

Today is a big day for you. You are going to be someone's better half. Always remember that compromises are beautiful and valuable only when it is two way. Never compromise your self worth for anyone who isn't worthy. Accept this beautiful relation of marriage with trust, love and care. Keep watering it like a plant. 

There might be days when you would wipe out your tears silently. Remember that I will always be there to hear you out. There might be days when your life partner might not understand what you are going through, remember I'll always be there to soothe you. 

Take care of yourself first and then your new family. Give your love and care to them but don't forget yourself too. If you think they aren't worthy of your love then don't despair. Your love isn't meant for such people. Give it where it is appreciated.

As I am writing this to you, I miss my mother who told me all these words too when I got married. Maybe someday you too will say this to your daughter. I would be ending this letter .My prayers and blessings will always be there with you.

With lots of love,
Your mama.


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