Clustered Dreams

Flowers and blessings showered that day,
It was a day which she cherished,
Garlands were exchanged with great pomp,
Promises were made with great zeal,
Tears rolled down as she left her home,
Smiles were worn as she entered his home,
She made that house a peaceful abode,
But failed to read few faces with masks,
The masks fell one by one,
So did her love die,
The abode became her prison,
Her suffering became their game,
She was stuck in a loop of lie,
She was held by the chord of fake love,
Silence became her companion,
She died slowly with the sweet poison,
Her clustered dreams were left at that home,
Where she had once played and laughed,
Now those doors weren't open,
For she was smeared without any fault,
The narcisst won again by tricking the world!
Karma waited for the time to strike!


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