In between Smiles and Cries

When I was a teenager, I used to believe happiness lies in those luxurious lifestyle. I always dreamnt of having one. I used to see rich people who were happy.
 But, as I grew older, I learned that happiness didn't depend on materialistic  things. 
It depended on those small moments which couldn't be bought by money. 
It depended on being contented and grateful for the things you have.
It depended on the small gestures of love from your near and dear ones.
It depended on the effort you would do to bring a smile on those who are sad.
It depended on the effort you would make to show a ray of hope to people who lost that spark in their life.

Life is all about spreading happiness wherever you can. It can be by helping, caring, loving and sharing. Life is all about living in between those smiles and cries. It's all about ups and downs. No one knows when we will leave this place. Until you are here,help someone genuinely.  People these days help each other for their selfish needs. Some want to gain attention.
Some want to get the title of goodness.
Some want to get something back in return.
No one helps from the bottom of the heart. Help someone with a pure heart and not expecting anything in return. It will give you true happiness because expectations  always hurt. 

There were times when I used to help people a lot.I always expected them to remember me or atleast help me back in my times of need. But, it would always end up leaving me hurt. Some people never even looked back again. Then I learned my lesson there, This life is a journey. We have many means of transport. When we reach our destination we leave that transport and move on. That's how it is with people too. Some people come to our life for a specific time.  We go into their life for a specific time. When we play our roles assigned by the Almighty, we have to leave. So, gradually I stopped expecting from people. I helped, played my part and moved on with a smile. I don't worry much because I know Almighty might help me in ways which I would never imagine. In between smiles and cries, we grew up and learned our lessons.


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