Let it go

It's often easy to advice about 'forget and forgive'. When I went through abuse people around me adviced me a lot about this and the saddest thing was people who went through it said forget and forgive. Is it so easy to do that?
It took me a good amount of time to forgive people who hurt me and broke my self confidence. I had grudges against them. I wanted to see them suffer just like how I did. It may sound rude but my state of mind was like that. There were many sleepless nights and my days were spent in overthinking. I realised that holding on to the things which are meant to let go causes you more problems. Gradually I learned to let go. It wasn't easy. It isn't an overnight change. I am person who don't accept change easily. It takes lot of time for me. Now I am in such a stage where I don't feel anything for them. I have no love nor hatred for them. Because they don't deserve anything from my side.

Let go of anger.
Let go of grudges.
Let go of negativity.
The more you hold it,  the greater you suffer. So, let it go not for them but for yourself. When you let go, you breathe freshly and your mind calms. A calm mind is all you deserve. Don't rush because it's not an easy thing. Take your own time to heal and let go. Healing is a long journey. You will find your happiness and contentment with hope and perseverance.


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