Whom to trust?

When your trust is broken, It is very difficult to restore it back. It takes a lot of time to trust anyone again. A broken trust is just like crumpled paper, no matter how hard you try you cannot restore it back to its original form. 
Trust is the more important thing in any relationship. Once it's broken, it's gone. No amount of apology will bring back that trust again. You fear falling in love again. You fear to go closer to people. You start doubting people who wants to come closer to you. You start building strong walls around yourself and not let anyone enter it. All in all, you become a completely different individual. 

People will start saying that you have changed a lot. But will never know what made you change to such an extent. Its very easy to judge. Every person is fighting. Every person is in war with himself. The difference is some are experts in hiding their emotions and worries. A ever smiling person would be the one who is suffering the most. People used to judge me for smiling even in difficult times. But only I knew how hard it is to stay strong and pull that smile. There were times I fell apart. I trusted people blindly. They cheated me, spoke behind my back, broke me with their words. I learned my lesson that not all are worthy to be trusted. I started writing diary and now I know that the person who I can trust the most is MYSELF. People come and go. 
People hear and judge. 
But the one who remains constant is YOU.
So, trust yourself more than anyone. Because you won't have any fear of being cheated and fooled. 


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