A letter to my old self

Dear old me,
I won't ask you how you are? After death does anyone ask you how you are? No! That's how i am now. I am dead and who killed me? It's me! I killed myself! 

I killed myself for those selfish people who were never mine.
I killed myself for those people who sold my smile to keep their life happy.
I killed myself to fulfill their dreams.
I killed myself to please people.
I killed myself for fake words of appreciation.
I killed myself to survive in this worthless society.

I feel very bad sometimes. I don't like this new me. I have changed a lot. I have lost my originality. I have lost my innocence. I have started to pretend to be happy which I am not. I am like a stone now with no hard feelings. I cannot smile genuinely. I cannot cry genuinely.  Where have I ended up?

I loved you so much. I was proud of you. But, still I chose to kill you. Old me, I miss you and I know you will never come back. I will keep missing you till my last breathe.

New me.


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