Finding herself

It poured again, 
Creating ripples and pitter patter,
Cold winds blew into her face,
Reminding her of his soothing love,
Hand in hand was all she wanted,
A minute of care was all she carved for,
She jumped into those puddles ,
Forgetting all about her worries, 
She held onto the umbrella of hope,
In search of that rainbow,
Which would turn her colourless life into colours,
Which would turn her dreams into reality,
Which would bring her from darkness to light.

It poured again,
From her eyes this time,
Reminding her of his betrayal,
Hearts were wounded, 
Ego remained grounded,
Till when will she cry?
There is a day she had to die!
No umbrella could shield her,
No shade could protect her,
She was dishonored,
She was splintered,
The dark clouds subsided,
The sun spread its warmth,
She was engulfed by that love, 
That love which was pure as water,
That love which was spotless like a pearl.

It poured again,
This time she was alone and happy,
Her grief was washed away,
Her joys were doubled,
She found her love,
She found her destiny, 
That reflection was her identity,
Yes! She was her own love!
It poured again,
That was how she fell for herself!


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