Happy mother's day

Today morning, as I opened the social media, I saw a couple of wishes on mother's day occasion.  There were many offers also going on in many online and offline stores too for this occasion. I was surprised, a mother deserves to be celebrated everyday for her scarifices, selfless love and what not. Everyday is a mothers day because a mother never rests.

When I became a mother, I got many free advices from mothers around me. Some were like irritating me to the core. I wanted to tell that -" we are living a modern world and none of those old techniques work now." At one point I was so fed up that I hated meeting people. I slumped down into depression. I started feeling guilty about not taking enough care of my child. But then I realised every mother is also like a new born child. She doesn't know anything. She has to learn everything step by step. The thing which every new mother can do is learn and take only needed advice. Don't crowd your mind with all sorts of confusion. It leads to depression and anxiety. 

Slowly I started learning. I got to know her sleep schedule,  her feeding schedule , her playtime and all about her other activities. There were people who tried to put me down but I stopped giving me ears to them. I did what I thought is best for my child. 

I have a huge respect for working mothers. How great they are! They are often made to feel guilty which is absolutely  wrong. 
Is it wrong for a woman to think about her financial independence  when she becomes a mother? 
Why does she have to sacrifice all her dreams for becoming a mother? 
Becoming a mother is one of the best feeling in this world. Why is a working woman looked down always? 
Only she knows how hard it is to leave her child and go to work daily. 
Only she knows how difficult it is to focus on her work when her child is down with fever at home.
Only she knows how bad she feels when she forgets basic things about her baby amidst her busy schedule. 
This mothers day lets appreciate such woman and help them. Let us not judge them. 

While the condition isn't favourable for a mother who is a home maker. She works hard from dawn till dusk, but is never appreciated. She is taken for granted. We often forget that if she falls ill oneday, then the whole house would be a mess. Our so called schedule will be disturbed. She is also an important member of the family. She is like the glue which sticks every relationship beautifully  with love and care. This mothers day lets wish them and make their day special. Lets speak to them with love and care.  Take them out for a holiday or a day out because she never gets a holiday. They deserve to be loved because no one can replace them. They are irreplaceable  and valuable. 

HAPPY MOTHER'S  DAY to all the beautiful mothers out there! You are all Queens for your children.


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